
Baw Faw is located southwest of Chehalis, WA at 46.487922°, -123.214374°. It contains one 120 degree sector, pointing north.

PtP Link Models

Capitol Peak - Baw Faw

Note: this is modeled with 500mW modems. Using the more powerful NetMetal modems would improve the signal.

Baldi (sector) - Baw Faw

Baw Faw - Green Mtn

Baw Faw - KGON (Portland)


Filename Size Modified
Baldi-BawFaw.png 58KiB 2017-07-13 22:36:18
Tower.jpg 2.2MiB 2017-07-13 22:36:18
CapitolPeak-BawFaw.png 60KiB 2017-07-13 22:36:18
BawFaw-Green.png 61KiB 2017-07-13 22:36:18
BawFaw-KGON.png 62KiB 2017-07-13 22:36:18